New England and Northwest Branch

About the Branch and its Role

The Council of the Royal Society of New South Wales confirmed the establishment of the New England and Northwest Branch (NENW) of the Society at its August 2024 meeting.

The mission of the NENW Branch is as for the Society as a whole, with an emphasis on regional issues and communication.

The main objectives of the NENW Branch are:

  • Promotion of knowledge generated in the region, and facilitation of its uptake by stakeholders and achievement of impact;
  • Facilitation of the compilation and dissemination of a body of knowledge related to the region;
  • It will encourage, stimulate and support the growth of promising young talent within the Hunter region of NSW, with a particular emphasis on the most disadvantaged members of our community.
  • Promotion of knowledge that is relevant to the region;
  • Support to the region’s research community and its knowledge dissemination;
  • Facilitation of knowledge promotion networks amongst researchers, professionals, educators and policymakers.

Additional objectives of the NENE Branch are:

  • Establish and maintain sustainable membership and activity set;
  • Supply of knowledge-based assistance to partners involved in project design;
  • Facilitation and other actions to attract more young people into STEM and knowledge-based pursuits

Office-bearers for 2024–2025

Office-bearers for 2024–2025 are:

ChairProfessor Chris Armstrong FRSN
Deputy ChairProfessor Gerd Schmalz FRSN
Secretary   Emeritus Professor Trevor Brown FRSN
TreasurerProfessor Derek Baker MRSN
Committee Members    Professor Andrew Robson FRSN
 Professor Chris Sharpley FRSN
 Professor Vicki Bitsika FRSN
Professor Chris Fellows FRSN
Professor Amir Karton FRSN
Professor Nick Reid FRSN


Please address enquiries to the Branch Secretary.

Current Branches

The Society currently has active branches in the:

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