Council Member and Society Fellow, Professor Kathy Belov AO FRSN, has just been appointed as the interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at the University of Sydney. Her term will extend from 2 April until the arrival in July of Professor Emma Johnston AO FRSN FTSE as the substantive replacement for Professor Duncan Ivison FRSN FAHA who is stepping down at the conclusion of his 5-year term.
Professor Belov is currently Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) where she has helped to identify and enable strategic opportunities for partnership and collaboration in research and education and has led the development of the University’s international engagement strategy.
She is also a Professor of Comparative Genomics in the School of Life and Environmental Sciences and was previously Associate Dean (Research) in the Faculty of Veterinary Science. As a leading geneticist, Professor Belov is known for her campaigning work to save Tasmanian devils from extinction in a successful Save the Tasmanian Devil Program.
Professor Belov has received numerous awards, including the Genetics Society of Australasia MJD White Medal for her outstanding contribution to genetics and science and prior to that the Ross Crozier Medal for mid-career researchers. She has won the prestigious Australasian Academy of Science Fenner Medal for Research in Biology, Eureka Award for Environmental Research, and was a recipient of the ARC’s Future Fellowship for mid-career researchers.
The Council of the Royal Society of NSW wishes to warmly congratulate Professor Belov on her appointment.