Royal Society of NSW News & Events

Royal Society of NSW News & Events

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New award for outstanding writing on social change

A new non-fiction writing prize for the Australasia/Oceania Region will recognise a dynamic writer who aims to ignite positive social change through published work on any theme exploring key business and society issues. The  AU$10,000 Bruce Piasecki and Andrea Masters Award for Business and Society Writing seeks to inspire future generations t...

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Society Fellow, Maria Kavallaris, honoured with President of Cyprus Medal

Society Fellow, Professor Maria Kavallaris AM FRSN FAHMS, has been acknowledged for her life's research in cancer biology and therapeutics by the awarding of a Republic of Cyprus President's Medal for Outstanding Contributions by the President, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, at the Presidential Palace in Nicosia, Cyprus on 28 July 2022.  Professor Kav...

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Vale Emeritus Professor Robin and Penny King

The Royal Society of NSW records with great sadness the passing of one of its Fellows, Emeritus Professor Robin King FRSN FTSE, and his wife Penny in a tragic accident that occurred on Monday, 25 July 2022.  On that day, Penny and Robin set out for a walk at the northern end of Moonee Beach on the Central Coast of NSW.  They wer...

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Society Fellows as finalists in the 2022 Australian Museum Eureka Awards

A number of Society Fellows are amongst the Finalists of the 2022 Australian Museum Eureka Awards—the country’s most comprehensive national science awards, honouring excellence across the areas of research and innovation, leadership, science engagement, and school science. Presented annually in partnership with some of the nation’s leading scientif...

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Earliest cases of COVID-19 traced to seafood market in Wuhan China

An international team, including Society Fellow Professor Eddie Holmes FRS FRSN FAA of the University of Sydney, has determined that the earliest cases of COVID-19 arose in a wholesale fish market in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Their results linked these cases to bats, foxes, and other live mammals infected with the virus being sold in the ...

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Society Fellow receives Australian Museum Lifetime Achievement Award

The Council of the Royal Society of NSW extends its warmest congratulations to Emeritus Professor Bill Sherwin FRSN of UNSW Sydney on being awarded the 2021 Australian Museum Research Institute Lifetime Achievement Award. Professor William (Bill) Sherwin is a molecular ecologist who has dedicated almost 40 years to scientific research, applying mat...

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World-first quantum computer integrated circuit developed by startup led by Distinguished Fellow, Michelle Simmons

Silicon Quantum Computing (SQC), an Australian startup company with state-of-the-art research and atomic manufacturing facilities in Sydney, founded by Society Distinguished Fellow, Scientia Professor Michelle Simmons AO FRS DistFRSN FAA of UNSW Sydney, has just announced the world's first integrated circuit at the atomic scale. This technical brea...

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Recent Events now on YouTube: June 2022

Most face-to-face events and all online events conducted by the Royal Society of NSW are recorded and made available for subsequent viewing on our YouTube channel, There were two events, held in June 2022, for which recordings are now available. The first of these was the presentation by Professor Anne Twomey AO at the...

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Society Fellows win RACI Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology Awards

The Council of the Royal Society of NSW extends its warmest congratulations to two of its Fellows who have received awards from the Royal Australian Chemical Institute Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology Division in May 2022.  Dr Tristan Reekie FRSN, of UNSW Canberra, and Professor Elizabeth New FRSN, of the University of Sydney, hav...

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Queen's Birthday Honours 2022

The Society is delighted to note the awards listed in the 2022 Queen’s Birthday Honours List to Society Fellows: a Companion of the Order to Australia (AC) to Emeritus Professor Anne Green AC FRSN FTSE, an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) to Professor Mary-Louise McLaws AO FRSN, and an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) to Pamela Ann Griffit...

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Society Fellows elected as 2022 Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science

Professor Kathy Belov
Professor Marcela Bilek
Professor Emma Johnston
Professor Albert Zomaya

The Royal Society of NSW is delighted to learn of the recognition of four of its Fellows as new Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science, elected in May 2022.  They are Professor Katherine Belov AO FRSN FAA  (Biologist, University of Sydney), Professor Marcela Bilek FRSN FAA (Physicist, University of Sydney), Professor Emma Johnston A...

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Recent Events now on YouTube: May 2022

Most face-to-face events and all online events conducted by the Royal Society of NSW are recorded and made available for subsequent viewing on our YouTube channel, There were three events, for which recordings are available, held in April and May 2022.  On 6 April, the Society marked its return to face-to-face eve...

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Society Fellow elected as IUPAC Emeritus Fellow

The Council of the Royal Society of NSW is delighted to learn that Emeritus Professor Brynn Hibbert AM FRSN, of UNSW Sydney and a former President of the Society, has just been recognised as an Emeritus Fellow of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).  His appointment reflects his standing as a scientist and his continu...

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Recording of RSNSW Poggendorff Lecture 2020

In the event that you were unable to attend this fascinating lecture, "Are weeds becoming new native species?", delivered by the Professor Angela Moles FRSN of UNSW Sydney, and the RSNSW Poggendorff Lecturer for 2020, that was jointly presented by the Royal Society of NSW and UNSW Sydney in the Palm House of the Royal Botanic Garden on We...

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Recent Events now on YouTube: March 2022

All online events from the Royal Society of NSW are recorded and made available for subsequent viewing on our YouTube channel, There were three events, for which recordings are available, held in March 2022.  In the first of these, the award winners of the Royal Society of NSW Student Awards for 2021 presented a s...

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RSNSW Council Elections 2022: Declaration of Results

The electronic ballot for the 2022 Council Elections of the Royal Society of NSW closed at noon on Tuesday, 5 April 2021. There were 222 ballots submitted by 670 eligible voters, representing an overall return of 33.1%. The outcome of the election is as follows. For the election of four (4) Council members There were 840 votes tallied with 12 ...

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Statement by the Royal Society of NSW on Ukraine

The Royal Society of NSW, an inclusive learned institution founded on the principles of liberal democracy, encourages discourse and the free exchange of ideas that respect religious, political, and cultural freedoms. The Society condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a brutal assault on such values and on the Ukrainian people. It presents a re...

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Society welcomes new Fellows and Members: March 2022

The Royal Society of NSW warmly welcomes 11 new members to the Society's ranks, effective from 2 March 2022. Fellows Professor Igor Aharonovich Professor Clive Baldock Professor Anthony Cunningham Professor Roy Green Professor Renee Elmina Leon Professor Tuan Van Nguyen Dr James RenwickProfessor Shawn Ross Biographical information about the new Fel...

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Society Fellow honoured with 2022 AAS Macfarlane Burnet Medal

Society Fellow, Professor Steven Simpson AC FRSN FRS FAA has been awarded one of the Australian Academy of Science's two highest honours — the 2022 Macfarlane Burnet Medal and Lecture — for his research that has led to a groundbreaking approach to nutrition.  Professor Stephen Simpson, from the University of Sydney, has revolutionised the scie...

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Council Member, Kathy Belov, appointed interim DVC (Research) at the University of Sydney

Council Member and Society Fellow, Professor Kathy Belov AO FRSN, has just been appointed as the interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at the University of Sydney.  Her term will extend from 2 April until the arrival in July of Professor Emma Johnston AO FRSN FTSE as the substantive replacement for Professor Duncan Ivison FRSN FA...

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Royal Society Events

The Royal Society of New South Wales organises events in Sydney and at its Branches throughout the year. 

In Sydney, these include:

  • Ordinary General Meetings (OGMs), normally held at the State Library of NSW normally at 6.00 for 6.30 pm on the first Wednesday of each alternate, even-numbered month (February, April, June, August, October, and December). The OGMs comprise Society business, reports from Council, and the induction of new members and Fellows into the Society.  They are followed by a public lecture presented by an eminent speaker and are preceded by drinks, available from a cash bar in an adjacent room. All OGMs are open to the public. Registration for these events is required and there is a small charge to cover the costs associated with holding these meetings in the State Library. 
  • Online meetings, conducted as Zoom webinars, which are held normally at 6.30 pm on the first Wednesday of each alternate, odd-numbered month (March, May, July, September, and November).  All online meetings are open to the public and there is no charge for attendance.  
  •  The Ideas@theHouse series, conducted in collaboration with our Patron, the Governor of NSW, and held at Government House Sydney.  

A range of events is held in collaboration with other learned societies and academies. These include the:

  • Annual Forum — conducted jointly by the Royal Society of NSW and the Australian Academy of Science, the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, the Australian Academy of the Humanities, the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, and the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences, and normally held at Government House Sydney
  • Four Societies Lecture — conducted with the Australian Institute of Energy, the Nuclear Panel of Engineers Australia (Sydney Division), and the Australian Nuclear Association
  • Dirac Lecture — with UNSW Sydney and the Australian Institute of Physics
  • Liversidge Medal lecture — with the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.

In addition, there are the named lectures that are associated with the Society's awards.  In some cases, these lectures are conducted jointly with universities, normally the host institution of the winner of that award. 

In all cases, these events are advertised on these pages and registration for events held face-to-face is required.

Each of the Branches runs a regular program of face-to-face events in their local areas.  All branch events are included in the Events listed on these pages and individual Branch pages include just those events being organised by the local branch.  

The bulk of the Society's event program is recorded and made available on our YouTube channel.

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