Calendar of Meetings 2022

Events Calendar for the Royal Society of NSW in 2022.
Please check this page regularly since the program is under ongoing development and may be affected by the prevalence of COVID-19 during early 2022.
Last update: 5 August 2022
Follow the links below for meetings held by the Society in Sydney, in Newcastle by the Hunter Branch, in Mittagong by the Southern Highlands Branch, and in western NSW by the Western NSW Branch.
- Sydney Meetings
- Hunter Branch Meetings
- Southern Highlands Branch Meetings
- Western NSW Branch Meetings
Sydney Meetings 2022
Please note that the program in the table below lists events that are scheduled as monthly Ordinary General Meetings and the Annual Forum of the Royal Society and Learned Academies. In addition to these events, there are additional named lectures, associated with the Society’s Awards that remain to be scheduled:
- Clarke Memorial Lecture — for 2020 (delayed) and 2021
- Liversidge Lecture — 2020 (delayed)
- Poggendorff Lecture — 2020 (delayed) and 2021
- Pollock Memorial Lecture — 2021
together with lectures in the Ideas@theHouse series.
Wednesday, 6.30 pm AEST |
1300th OGM and Open Lecture Venue: Zoom Webinar Where next for higher education after COVID-19? |
Wednesday, 6.00 pm AEST |
Annual Meeting of the Four Societies 2022 Venue: UTS Aerial Function Centre and Zoom Webinar Engineering and related challenges in decarbonising the electricity system |
Wednesday, 6.30 pm AEDT |
1301st OGM and Open Lecture Venue: Zoom Webinar Presentations: to be advised |
Thursday, 6.30 pm AEDT |
Clarke Memorial Lecture (2020–delayed) of the Royal Society of NSW Venue: Macquarie University and live-streaming From bulldozers, pests, and pathogens to climate change and urban futures: the tough life of plants |
Friday, 6.00 pm AEDT |
Frontiers of Science Forum 2022 A joint event of the Teachers’ Guild of NSW, Australian Institute of Physics, Royal Australian Chemical Institute, and the Royal Society fo NSW Venue: Concord Golf Club, 190 Majors Bay Road Concord Exploring major discoveries and theories in physics, mathematics, biology, and chemistry |
Wednesday, 6.00 pm AEST |
155th Annual General Meeting Venue: Gallery Room, State Library of NSW, Shakespeare Place, Sydney with later availability of the recording on YouTube New frontiers in smart sensor technology for a healthier, safer and sustainable future |
Wednesday, 6.30 pm AEST |
Ideas@theHouse: April 2022 Venue: Government House Sydney and live streaming Topic: Nothing |
Wednesday, 6.30 pm AEST |
RSNSW Liversidge Lecture (2020–delayed) Venue: Charles Perkins Auditorium, University of Sydney Topic: Drug discovery inspired by natural products |
Wednesday, 6.00 pm AEST |
RSNSW Poggendorff Lecture (2020 — delayed) Venue: Royal Botanic Gardens (Palm House) with later availability of the recording on YouTube Are weeds becoming a new native species? |
Wednesday, 6.30 pm AEST |
1303rd OGM and Open Lecture Venue: Gallery Room, State Library of NSW, Shakespeare Place, Sydney with later availability of the recording on YouTube Federalism, borders and National Cabinet: What has the pandemic taught us? |
Wednesday, 6.30 pm AEST |
1304th OGM and Open Lecture Venue: Zoom Webinar This is going to be different: Learning to live with Chinese power |
Wednesday, 6.30 pm AEST |
1305th OGM and Open Lecture Venue: Gallery Room, State Library of NSW, Shakespeare Place, Sydney with later availability of the recording on YouTube Marsupials: the secrets are all in their genes! |
Thursday, 6.00 pm AEST |
Ideas@theHouse: August 2022 Venue: Government House Sydney (by formal invitation) Manufacturing at the Atomic Scale |
Wednesday, 6.30 pm AEST |
1306th OGM and Open Lecture Venue: Zoom Webinar Is Fairweather an Australian artist? And does it matter? |
Wednesday, 6.30 pm AEDT |
1307th OGM and Open Lecture Venue: Gallery Room, State Library of NSW, Shakespeare Place, Sydney with later availability of the recording on YouTube An interactive discussion on the global economic outlook and Australia’s place in the world |
Monday, 8.00 am AEDT |
Joint RSNSW-University of Sydney Business School Venue: Abercrombie Building (H70), Lecture Theatre 1110, University of Sydney Business School, Camperdown / Darlington Campus A new way to wealth: The role of social response capitalism |
Thursday, 9.00 pm AEDT |
Royal Society of NSW and Learned Societies Annual Forum Venue: Government House, Sydney (by invitation), live streaming and subsequent availability on YouTube Reshaping Australia Communities in Action |
Monday, 8.00 am AEDT |
Joint RSNSW-Law Society of NSW Public Lecture Venue: Zoom Webinar The U.S. Supreme Court: A rogue court in a fragile democracy |
Wednesday, 6.30 pm AEDT |
1308th OGM and 2021 Pollock Memorial Lecture Venue: Gallery Room, State Library of NSW, Shakespeare Place, Sydney with later availability of the recording on YouTube Most of our universe is missing!: |
Wednesday, Time: TBA |
RSNSW Poggendorff Lecture 2021 Venue: University of Sydney — precise venue to be advised A plant breeder’s perspective on food security and climate change |
Wednesday, 6.30 pm AEDT |
1309th OGM and Open Lecture Venue: Gallery Room, State Library of NSW, Shakespeare Place, Sydney with later availability of the recording on YouTube Topic: to be advised |
Hunter Branch Meetings
The Hunter Branch Event Program for 2022 is still under development.
Wednesday, 5.30 pm AEST |
Hunter Branch Meeting 2022-1 Venue: Newcastle Club, 40 Newcomen Street, Newcastle COVID 19: past performance, present practice, and future prospects Distinguished Laureate Professor Nick Talley AC |
Wednesday, 5.00 pm AEST |
RSNSW Clarke Memorial Lecture 2021 and Hunter Branch Meeting 2022-2 Venue: University Conservatorium, Laman Street, Cooks Hill, Newcastle The changing tide of human populations: an infertility trap |
Thursday, 5.30 pm AEST |
Hunter Branch Meeting 2022-3 Venue: Newcastle Club, 40 Newcomen Street, Newcastle The Intersection between Science and the Law Dr Xanthé Mallett |
Southern Highlands Branch Meetings
The Southern Highlands Branch Event Program for 2022 is still under development.
Thursday, 6.30 pm AEDT |
Southern Highlands Branch Meeting 2022-1 Venue: RSL Mittagong, Carrington Room Uranium: Australia’s secure energy and climate solution |
Thursday, 6.30 pm AEDT |
Southern Highlands Branch Meeting 2022-2 Venue: RSL Mittagong, Carrington Room Transgenerational Epigenetics |
Thursday, 6.30 pm AEST |
Southern Highlands Branch Meeting 2022-3 Venue: RSL Mittagong, Carrington Room Space Race 2.0 |
Thursday, 6.30 pm AEST |
Southern Highlands Branch Meeting 2022-4 Venue: RSL Mittagong, Carrington Room Longer life and fertility: the promise of ageing research |
Thursday, 6.30 pm AEST |
Southern Highlands Branch Meeting 2022-5 Venue: RSL Mittagong, Carrington Room From the RNA world to building an RNA Ecosystem |
Thursday, 6.30 pm AEST |
Southern Highlands Branch Meeting 2022-6 Venue: RSL Mittagong, Alexander Room Fragility and the rise of poor mental health in our youth: Where are we going wrong? |
Thursday, 6.30 pm AEST |
Southern Highlands Branch Meeting 2022-7 Venue: RSL Mittagong, Carrington Room The cycle of rainfall in Eastern NSW |
Thursday, 6.30 pm AEST |
Southern Highlands Branch Meeting 2022-8 Venue: RSL Mittagong, Carrington Room How neutrons can save the World |
Thursday, 6.30 pm AEST |
Southern Highlands Branch Meeting 2022-9 Venue: RSL Mittagong, Carrington Room Judging a Jest: Humour and Censorship |
Thursday, 6.30 pm AEST |
Southern Highlands Branch Meeting 2022-10 Venue: RSL Mittagong, Carrington Room Green Steel Waste |
Western NSW Branch Meetings
The Western NSW Branch Event Program for 2022 is still under development
Tuesday, 1.00pm AEDT |
Western NSW Branch Meeting 2022-1 Venue: Ponton Theatre, Charles Stuart University (Bathurst Campus) and Zoom Webinar Public Trust and Science in Times of Coronavirus Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy AM FRSN, |
Wednesday, 12.00pm AEST |
Western NSW Branch Meeting 2022-2 Venue: Wal Fife Theatre (Building 14, Room 212) Charles Stuart University (Wagga Wagga Campus) Making a living on the Plains — Stone tools and Archaeology of Aboriginal societies |