Hunter Branch Meeting 2023-3

“Groundwater: When will we learn we can’t drink money?”
Professor Craig T. Simmons FAA FTSE FAGU
Pro Vice-Chancellor
College of Engineering, Science, and Environment
University of Newcastle
Date: Thursday 20 July 2023, 5.30 pm (AEST) for a 6.00 pm start
Registration: Registration is required by 5.00 pm on Wednesday 19 July 2023 through Membes. Max: 100 people
Venue: Hunter Room, Newcastle City Hall, 290 King St, Newcastle NSW
Entry: Society members, $15; Non-members, $25; Students, $5
Enquiries: Via email to RSNSW Hunter Branch Secretary (Prof. Philip Bolton)
Society Members, Fellows, and members of the public are welcome
Summary: Groundwater plays a pivotal role in many burning and contentious issues that shape our world. Whether it’s our environment, our food and water security, or the risks of coal seam gas and fracking, mining, energy, and nuclear waste disposal, groundwater is always at stake. Groundwater delivers half of the drinking water for mankind and nearly half of the water for growing food. So why don’t we hear more about it? Groundwater is no longer a resource we can ignore. Climate change and population growth will only add fuel to the fire that’s burning beneath our feet. We are one of the driest inhabited places on earth: good groundwater management is fundamental to our survival. We need to make the invisible visible before it’s too late. This talk exposes the massive challenges and opportunities for groundwater science, management, and policy nationally and internationally, and makes the case for an engaged and informed framework to manage what may be our planet’s most precious resource.
Professor Craig Simmons is a leading groundwater scientist, recognised for contributions to groundwater science, science leadership, education, and policy reform, working across the public and private sectors. Craig was Foundation Director of the ARC National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training and Pro Vice-Chancellor Research at Flinders University. He was Executive Director for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences at the Australian Research Council.
Craig is Pro Vice-Chancellor of the College of Engineering, Science and Environment at the University of Newcastle where he provides executive leadership to the Schools of Architecture and Built Environment; Engineering; Environmental and Life Sciences; Information and Physical Sciences; and Psychological Sciences. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, and American Geophysical Union. He has received awards including the Australian Academy of Science’s Anton Hales Medal for distinguished contributions to research in the Earth Sciences, South Australian Scientist of the Year, Australian Water Professional of the Year, Australian Award for University Teaching, and International Association of Hydrogeologists Presidents’ Award. He is a lead author of the United Nations World Water Development Report “Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible” and coauthor of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report.