Joint AIP, RACI, RSNSW, and ANSTO Presentation
“Big Science of Gen IV Power Reactors”
Dr Mark Ho
Reactor Heat Transfer Specialist, ANSTO
Vice-President, Australian Nuclear Association
Date: Tuesday, 21 June 2022, 7.00 pm AEST
Venue: Hybrid—ANSTO Discovery Centre, Lucas Heights NSW and live streaming
All are welcome
A joint presentation by the Australian Institute of Physics (AIP), the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI), the Royal Society of NSW (RSNSW), and ANSTO.
Summary: Globally, there is renewed interest and investment in Nuclear Power Plants. Exciting new developments include Small Modular Reactors, the research and design of six new reactor technologies (known as Generation IV), and the use of nuclear reactors in space. Join Mark Ho, Vice President of the Australia Nuclear Association, as he provides an update on these cutting-edge advanced reactor designs that have unprecedented versatility, can be paired with renewable generating sources and can be less expensive than previous reactors.
Registration options include:
- An optional tour of the OPAL reactor at ANSTO Lucas Heights (at 5.30 pm)
- Post-event dinner (from 8.15 pm)