Recent events held online during April 2021 by the Royal Society of NSW are now available on our YouTube channel.
These are the lecture presented at the 1292nd Ordinary General Meeting by the contemporary artist, Lea Kannar-Lichtenberger, on the evening of 7 April, and the conversation with renowned author and Distinguished Fellow of the Society, Thomas Keneally AO DistFRSN, in the second Ideas@theHouse event, held on the evening of 15 April.
Lea Kannar-Lichtenberger discussed “Antarctica, this ain’t no mirage: the value of art in disseminating scientific information”, while Thomas Keneally, in conversation with Vice-President Judith Wheeldon, addressed the theme of his most recent book in “Australia and the Dickens Boys”.
All online events conducted recently by the Society are available on YouTube and are accessible from the Presentation and Forum pages of the Society’s website.