All online events from the Royal Society of NSW are recorded and made available for subsequent viewing on our YouTube channel, youtube.com/royalsocnsw.
In our first event of 2022 (2 February) that was held online, Professor Mark Scott AO FRSN, Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Sydney, discussed “Where next for higher education after COVID-19?”, addressing the dramatic changes in teaching, research, and revenue sources for Australian universities that were forced by the COVID-19 pandemic.
At the Annual Meeting of the Four Societies (Australian Nuclear Association, Australian Institute of Energy, Sydney Division of Engineers Australia, and Royal Society of NSW) held on 16 February, organised this year by the Australian Nuclear Association, Adjunct Professor Stephen Wilson of the University of Queensland addressed issues entailed in “Engineering and related challenges in decarbonising the electricity system”. Slides for the talk are also available.
The primary links above are to the videos on the respective YouTube channels.