The Council of the Royal Society of NSW warmly congratulates one of its Fellows, Professor Kathy Belov AO FRSN of the University of Sydney, on being awarded the MJD White Medal of the Genetics Society of Australasia (GSA). The award, which commemorates Michael White who proposed the formation of the Genetics Society in 1953, recognises excellence and a lifetime of achievement in genetics research.
Professor Belov, who is the Professor of Comparative Genomics and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) at the University of Sydney, and a current member of the Council of the Royal Society of NSW, has guided the University’s Australasian Wildlife Genomics Group for 15 years.
Her team is leading the genetic rescue of our most iconic and loved native animals, starting with Tasmanian devils, which suffer from a transmissible and deadly cancer called devil facial tumour disease. Professor Belov’s group is also responsible for steering the world-first full sequencing of the koala genome following the recent completion of the mapping of the echidna genome and improving the information available on the platypus genome. Such genetic data is particularly valuable in advancing conservation efforts, aiding in the treatment of diseases, and helping to ensure the long-term survival of our native animals.
For further information about Professor Belov’s research, please see the University of Sydney website.