A number of Society Fellows are amongst the Finalists of the 2020 Australian Museum Eureka Awards—the country’s most comprehensive national science awards, honouring excellence across the areas of research and innovation, leadership, science engagement, and school science. Presented annually in partnership with some of the nation’s leading scientific institutions, government organisations, universities and corporations, the Eureka Prizes raise the profile of science and science engagement in the community by celebrating outstanding achievement.
Amongst the finallists in this year’s Prizes are:
- Professor Ben Eggleton FRSN FAA FTSE of the University of Sydney — nominated 2020 Defence Science and Technology Eureka Prize for Outstanding Science in Safeguarding Australia
- Professor Maria Kavallaris AM FRSN of UNSW Sydney and the Children’s Cancer Institute and Professor Robert Park FRSN of the University of Sydney — each nominated for the 2020 CSIRO Prize for Leadership in Innovation and Science
- Professor Karu Esselle FRSN — nominated for the 2020 University of Technology Sydney Eureka Prize For Outstanding Mentor of Young Researchers.
The Awards will be announced at an online ceremony on the evening of 24 November 2020.
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