Archive: Journal & Proceedings of the Royal Society of NSW
Links to issues and papers in 1822 and since 1856
- In 1822, for the Philosophical Society of Australasia
- From 1850 and 1851, for the Australian Philosophical Society
- From 1856 to 1866, for the Philosophical Society of NSW,
- From 1867 onwards, for the Royal Society of NSW.
Note: the Royal Society of New South Wales acknowledges the work of the Biodiversity Heritage Library (at the Smithsonian Institution) in scanning volumes of the Society's Journal & Proceedings from 1867, and placing the resulting PDFs online. Moreover, the BHL is now undertaking to provide all papers with DOIs.
Printed copies of some recent back issues are available at cost: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
In 1950, the Society published George Davenport Osborne (1899-1955), The Structural Evolution of the Hunter-Manning-Myall Province, NSW, as its Monograph No. 1. Courtesy of the Dixson Library, UNE, this has been digitised and is available here.
In 1968, the Society published a volume celebrating the centenary of the Royal Charter in 1867: A Century of Scientific Progress: The centenary volume of the Royal Society of New South Wales — a history of several aspects of Australian scientific development, with particular reference to New South Wales (Sydney, Royal Society of NSW, 1968). This is now available online at this link.
ISSN (online): 2653-1305
A bibliography, alphabetical by author and period, of papers presented from 1822 to 1950. Here. (Some links are wrong; in that case, go to the Volume number below and click there.)
Forthcoming Papers Accepted but not yet Published: Here.
Online Archive
* Nota bene: Owing to an unfortunate decision, the page numbers in Volumes 141, 142, and 143 are duplicated. The page numbers in the second issue of each of these years (issue 3-4) begin again from 1. An additional infelicity is that the cover sheet of each article does not include the issue number. For these three volumes, the pagination "141: (3-4) 22-30" means Volume 141, issue 3-4, pages 22 to 30.
For some collections of papers from the above set, click here.